Saturday, May 19, 2012

Diablo III Wizard Skills / Spells List

These are the skills and abilities for the Diablo III Wizard class. Bear in mind that all of the spells have Runes that will alter the effects of the spell either in a small way like a damage boost, or a major way like turn a missile attack into a damage shield!

Diablo 3 Wizard Skills – Primary

  • Magic Missile. Unlocked at level 1. Launches a magic missile, dealing 110% weapon damage as Arcane.
  • Shock Pulse. Unlocked at level 3. Releases 3 electric pulses along the ground which travel move randomly across a medium range, dealing 105% weapon damage as lightning. The same target can only be hit once by Shock Pulse.
  • Spectral Blade. Unlocked at level 11. Summon a Spectral Blade which deals 135% to enemies directly in front of you. Note that this skill must be cast from melee range.
  • Electrocute. Unlocked at level 15. Shoot a lightning bolt that can jump to up to two nearby targets, dealing 80% weapon damage to each target hit.

D3 Wizard Abilities – Secondary

  • Ray of Frost. Unlocked at level 2. Cost: 20* Arcane Power. Channel a beam of frost that deals 215% weapon damage as Cold to the target it is hitting. This attack actually fires very quickly and deals its 215% weapon damage based on attack speed – you deal 215% weapon damage over the attack interval of the weapon – it is not upfront. *It also does not use up 20 Arcane Power right away but rather 20 Arcane Power per 215% weapon damage dealt. This skill is channeled.
  • Arcane Orb. Unlocked at level 5. Cost: 35 Arcane Power. Fires an magic orb that explodes when hitting a target, dealing 175% weapon damage as Arcane to enemies within 10 yards of the explosion.
  • Arcane Torrent. Unlocked at level 12. Cost: 20 Arcane Power. Fires a barrage of Arcane Projectiles that deal 175% weapon damage as Arcane to enemies near the impact location (small range). This spell is actually broken into two parts, sending out two volleys which deal 87.5% of weapon damage and cost 10 Arcane Power at twice your attack speed. It deals 175% weapon damage based on weapon speed. For example, if your weapon’s attack speed is 1 attack per second, then you will fire off two half-strength Arcane Torrents every .5 seconds at 10 Arcane Power.
  • Disintegrate. Unlocked at level 21. Cost 20 Arcane Power. Channels a beam of pure energy that pierces through all enemies, dealing 155% weapon damage as Arcane. Like Ray of Frost, this skill is channeled and has its damage broken into many small attacks and deals 155% weapon damage over the course of 1 attack based on weapon speed.

Diablo 3 Wizard Abilities List – Defensive

  • Frost Nova. Unlocked at level 4. Cooldown: 12 seconds. No Arcane Power cost. Blasts nearby enemies with frost, stunning them for 3 seconds.
  • Diamond Skin. Unlocked at level 8. Cooldown: 15 seconds. No Arcane Power cost. Generates a shield that absorbs damage and lasts 6 seconds.
  • Slow Time. Unlocked at level 16. Cooldown: 20 seconds. No Arcane Power cost. Places a bubble of warped time that lasts 8 seconds. The speed of incoming projectiles are slowed by 90% as they move through the bubble. Enemies inside the bubble have their movement speed reduced by 30% and their attack speed reduced by 20%.
  • Teleport. Unlocked at level 22. Cost: 15 Arcane Power. Cooldown: 16 seconds. Teleport instantly to another location up to 35 yards away. Note that in Diablo 2, you could teleport anywhere on the screen that you could see. In Diablo 3, 35 yards is only about 1/3-1/2 a screen away, depending on orientation.

Diablo 3 Wizard Skills – Force

  • Wave of Force. Unlocked at level 9. Cost: 25 Arcane Power. Cooldown: 15 seconds. Creates a shockwave that deals 200% weapon damage and knocks back and briefly reduces the movement speed of all enemies by 60%. While the radius is not reported by the tooltip, it is quite large, seeming to hit all enemies within about 15 yards.
  • Energy Twister. Unlocked at level 13. Cost: 35 Arcane Power. Releases a tornado that moves randomly and deals 360% weapon damage over 6 seconds to enemies within its path (60% weapon damage per second).
  • Hydra. Unlocked at level 21. Cost: 15 Arcane Power. Summon a multi-headed Hydra that lasts for 15 seconds and that attacks nearby enemies, dealing 28% weapon damage as Fire per hit. You can only have 1 Hydra active at a time.
  • Meteor. Unlocked at level 25. Cost: 60 Arcane Power. Call down a massive meteor, dealing 200% of weapon damage as Fire to enemies on the ground it crashes into. The ground it hits then becomes scorched with molten fire, dealing 60% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds.
  • Blizzard. Unlocked at level 27. Calls down shards of ice to pelt an area, dealing 210% weapon damage as Cold over 6 seconds. Multiple casts of Blizzard in the same area do not stack.

D3 Wizard Spells – Conjuration

  • Ice Armor. Unlocked at level 14. Cost: 25 Arcane Power. Surrounds you in Ice Armor that lasts 120 seconds. Melee attacks are chilled or Frozen for 2 seconds after hitting you with Ice Armor active.
  • Storm Armor. Unlocked at level 17. Cost: 25 Arcane Power. Lasts 120 seconds. Surrounds you in Storm Armor that shocks ranged and melee attacks for 70% of weapon damage as Lightning.
  • Magic Weapon. Unlocked at level 20. Cost: 25 Arcane Power. Lasts 5 minutes. Imbues your weapon with magical energy, increasing your weapon damage by 10%.
  • Familiar. Unlocked at level 22. Cost: 20 Arcane Power. Lasts 5 minutes. seconds. Summons a mystical companion to fight alongside of you. This companion cannot be targeted or damaged by enemies and deals 20% of weapon damage as Arcane per attack.
  • Energy Armor. Unlocked at level 28. Cost: 25 Arcane Power. Lasts 120 seconds. Surrounds you in Energy Armor that increases your armor by 65% but also reduces your Arcane Power by 20 while active.

Diablo 3 Wizard Abilities – Mastery

  • Explosive Blast. Unlocked at level 19. Cost: 20 Arcane Power. Cooldown: 6 seconds. Draws in energy over 1.5 seconds and then explodes, dealing 225% weapon damage as physical to all enemies within 12 yards.
  • Mirror Image. Unlocked at level 25. Cooldown: 15 seconds. No Arcane Power cost. Summon two mirror images of you that have 25% of your life and last for 7 seconds. These mirror images will cast spells but are unable to do any damage.
  • Archon. Unlocked at level 30. Cost: 25 Arcane Power. Cooldown: 120 seconds. Transform into a powerful Arcane for 15 seconds. While in Archon form, your Armor and resistances increases by 40%. Your abilities are also replaced by Archon abilities. Each enemy killed while Archon is active adds 1 second to its duration.

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